Monday, May 26, 2008

Tej Kohli :World Congress on Information Technology

"Tej Kohli said "There must be some international initiative must be taken to check out Information Technology growth in the alignment of government bodies and parallel industries."16th WCIT which held in Kuala Lumpur is the place where the big IT industry giant gather to check out IT growth and challenges in upcoming time.It be expectation of experts that WCIT 2008 is the largest gathering since ever of personals of IT who are leaders in business, government and others. There are 100 spokesperson from the 80 countries with more then 2,700 delegates are expected to be in WCIT 2008. Leading Enterprises IT publisher of the Asia Fairfax Business Media (FBM) , is the official media partner of the WCIT 2008.Other media partner are Computerworld Malaysia, Computerworld Singapore, CIO Asia and MIS Asia magazines, for providing full coverage of WCIT 2008 . As an estimation near about 350 million views are around the world from the homes and office had seen WCIT 2008.
WCIT 2008 will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and incorporates a three-day Congress, a Link Program for business matching, an ICT exhibition and various ancillary activities including a golf tournament and motorsport experience.
**FBM Asia Magazine Titles:
-Computerworld - Computerworld Singapore ( and Computerworld Malaysia ( magazines carry a stimulating mix of analytical reporting, in-depth discussions of current and emerging technology trends, enterprise IT, plus key technological developments and solutions that have an impact on regional IT professionals. Last month, Computerworld Malaysia received an honourable mention at the MediaConnect Asia Technology Journalist Awards 2007.
-MIS (Managing Information Strategies) Asia ( . This is the leading IT management magazine circulated to some 10,650 CIOs and senior IT management in Asia 's large to medium-sized enterprises, encouraging business-guided IT strategy by offering case studies and best practices. In July 2007, MIS Asia won the Best Business Technology Title award for the second year, at the MediaConnect Asia Technology Journalist Awards 2007.
-CIO Magazine ( - This respected magazine links CIOs and senior executives with business strategy and technology innovation. It builds the IT business case for the highest-level members of the executive suite, and is aimed at the C-level leader who needs to know the business essentials of IT, with enough technical information for informed decision-making. CIO magazine gives the budget proposers (for example, the CIO) the means to drive strategy and the budget gatekeepers (such as the CFO and CEO) the means to judge its value.
WCIT program is designed a three day congress to encompass global IT field issue and directing IT into new era of business-to-Business , business-to-government(B2G) and Business-to-industry(B2I).
The organizer of WCIT 2008 are the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and the Association of the Computer and Multimedia Industry of Malaysia (PIKOM) with the full support and corporation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia. On 19 may (Xinhua) in WCIT announce new host WCIT which will be held in 2012 in Montreal, Canada, in 2012, Chairman of World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) George Newstrom announced here on Monday. The next WCIT will be planned to held in Netherlands in 2010, according to Newstrom. The vision of World congress of Information technology to gather government bodies with the industry leader to make up relation and work model for information Technology .

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tej Kohli : Internet Future in US

Tej Kohli wants to keep himself update while technology is concern. According to him “although it can be true in the records that now be internet be life line in urban areas of US but while we are taking internet speed and resources in his concerns there are yet differences in various region in US and there is no possibility the situation will be better in future.” ……………….Tej kohli
A big community of internet surfing in US now facing the same problem that some have high speed networks and some having low speed networks. What problem is not only low speed networks but high speed networks also facing that low speed connection causes low down high speed networks and then became unable to provide their services in time . In US many person are in same opinion there is no difference between broadband and dial up connection. Now they run on same speed , means broadband very slower then expectation. What be difference between Dial ups and broadband connection and how broadband differ from dial-up. Broadband provide more facility which is not possible in dial-ups connection such as music download, video and sharing files through internet, that not possible with Dial-ups connections. The upcoming feature that every person expect from internet are that video conferencing as well as interactive games and download movies with in second. Now the US government plan to convert whole home based cable internet lines to fiber-optic which are backbones all the way to home. Existing FTTH or Fiber-optic connections are 10 times faster than vanilla broadband which runs over phone or cable lines . US taken under consideration for FTTH but Varizon Communication had already connected 17 state with this services. This is biggest company in US which replaced its old copper wire communication line to high speed Fiber optics. Near about 1.8 million people and 2.9 million homes are using high speed broad band connections FiOS services.
Some Small phone companies , cooperatives and municipalities, like Chattanooga, now providing FTTH in some parts of US. Some major companies like AT&T Inc and Qwest communication International Inc also developing their FTTH in some areas but they are not replacing them to existing cabling system.
According to Graham Finnie chief analyst for the telecom research firm Heavy Reading “13 percent of US household will be connected to fiber by 2012” . Verizon business rooted is in East Coast, Texas and California. But problem is that much of the community wills still left in future who will not be able to get FTTH. According to some news survey US will be best internet services in future.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blackberry with Live Chat

There is very good news for those people who are always looking for something new in Mobile technology. Mobile technology is upgrading now a days very rapidly and providing more facility to mobile users. So long awaited facility that everyone expected with Blackberry mobile is that Microsoft consumer mailing system as well as instant messaging system which will be available with Blackberry last of Summer. Microsoft and research in motion announced on 12 may 2008. What be reason behind that , experts says that that means
Blackberry want no more be only business messaging service and want some more popular services available with their mobile and on the other hand Microsoft also don’t want to be pack only with its windows mobile in its Mobile market strategy. Most popular products which be now in markets are Blackberry 7000 , Blackberry 8000 and Blackberry bold . Blackberry also proudly announced today that Windows Live services, which include both Windows Live Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger. New phones will be shipped with the services, and users will be able to download them onto existing phones.
Everybody knows Blackberry as second name of business e-mail. But according to Microsoft officials “ Windows live search and instant messaging system and business mailing very popular on PC, We just want to expand its areas such that more and more user interact with these services either by PC or By Mobile phone that’s why We had already engaged with Blackberry with Live search earlier this autumn and now expanding area with facilitating Blackberry user with mailing and instant messaging “.
This is the third major distribution deal Microsoft has done for Hotmail and Messenger. Of course, it started by offering them on Windows Mobile phones, and then last year added a deal with Nokia to offer Hotmail and Messenger on Nokia Series 60 devices. Microsoft's now working on getting those services onto Nokia Series 40 devices as well.
"The market would expect us to put our services on the Windows Mobile platform, but we're serious about other platforms as well," Holden said. "There is not one mobile phone platform. There's a bigger fragmentation of suppliers out there than on the PC."
Despite the deal with RIM, people won't get Windows Live services without the approval of their carriers. Microsoft has about 140 carrier relationships around the world regarding Windows Live on mobile devices, including recent deals with Telefonica in Latin America and T-Mobile in Europe. Holden says to expect a number of additional deals in coming months. Last year, it became clear that AT&T had disabled Windows Live services on Palm Treo smartphones.
While Microsoft's early Live mobile services include a limited subset of Microsoft's larger array of Live offerings, including search, social networking, instant messaging, e-mail, and mobile content, the company hopes to expand its breadth. The company's already said that it's aiming its Silverlight rich Web app technology and Live Mesh synchronization service at mobile devices.
"When you think about our Web services, all of those will very much have a strong and stronger mobile component for them moving forward," Holden says. "It's really about extending the PC access to the mobile phone in ways that are very similar."

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Youtube Arrives In India

YouTube, the world's most popular online video community has launched its local Indian site (

YouTube India features a localized homepage and search functions, allowing users to create and share videos, discover the most popular and relevant videos in India, and connect with other Indian and global users. Over time, YouTube India will benefit from an entirely "local" experience highlighting and featuring the content and functionality most desired by the Indian users.

"We are very excited to bring a local version of YouTube to India considering the passion of users here for music and entertainment." said Steve Chen, CTO and co-founder of YouTube. "For a culture that is steeped both in video and in storytelling, and where everyone has a voice - YouTube India will not only offer Indian users more relevant content but also provide a platform to share India's unique and diverse culture and lifestyle with the largest online video community in the world."

"YouTube allows anyone with a simple web camera or even a cell phone to create content, connect, and converse with each other through the medium of video," said Sakina Arsiwala, International manager, YouTube. "It provides a powerful way for people to express themselves. From a home video to a magic show to classroom lectures or working professionals connecting with their families in another city, YouTube is about communication and not just entertainment," she added.

In India, YouTube has already signed partnerships with Eros Entertainment, Rajshri Films, IIFA, Ministry of Tourism, IIT Delhi, NDTV, UTV, Zoom TV, India TV and Krishcricket, to name a few, and will continue to work with a range of partners, across a range of genres, to bring Indian content to more people in new ways.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

India Military Gears Up for Cyber Warfare

Guarding the borders, fighting militants and training for blitzkrieg battles is just not enough now. Facing mounting attacks in the virtual world, the Indian Army is not going high-tech. It is gearing up for battles in the digitised battlefield as well.

The ongoing army commanders' conference, chaired by General Deepak Kapoor, has decided to boost the "cyber-security" of its information networks right down to the level of divisions, which are basically field formations with over 15,000 troops.

Apart from creating cyber-security organisations down to the division-level to guard against cyber warfare and data thefts, the Army top brass has also underlined the urgent need for "periodic cyber-security audits" by the Army Cyber Security Establishment (ACSE).

"The most advanced armies in the world like the US one also face 3,000 to 4,000 attempts a year to hack their networks. As our Army boosts its infotech levels, we also become more vulnerable to such threats. Future conflicts will be fought by 'networks'," said a senior officer.

Both China and Pakistan, for instance, are bolstering their cyber-warfare or information warfare capabilities at a rapid clip. China, in particular, has made cyber-warfare one of its topmost military priorities, with Chinese hackers breaking into sensitive computer networks of the US, UK, Germany and even India on a regular basis.

"By crippling or destroying an adversary's economic, communication and strategic networks and infrastructure, cyber-warfare can even prove more deadly than ballistic missile strikes. It can, for instance, be in the form of denial-of-service cyber-attacks and paralysing computer viruses," said another officer.

The Indian armed forces, of course, are also trying to hone their information warfare weapons as well as enhance their C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities.

The tri-service integrated defence staff, on its part, has also come out with an information warfare doctrine. But the progress is slow compared to the infotech boom in the civilian arena.

Even as the armed forces take some strides forward on the infotech superhighway, the need to protect their own systems from cyber-attacks of hostile forces is increasingly being felt.

Tej Kohli Zoom Info | Tej Kohli a System Programmer | Tej Kohli on Clicki | Tej Kohli talks business.

X3 Service Pack

A small incompatibility with a relatively rare software package has held up the SP3 release train for the time being, but users can still snag the files from Microsoft.

Though Microsoft had previously announced that it would be releasing Windows XP Service Pack 3 to the Web on Tuesday, the company backed off its decision in the eleventh hour due to a glitch it discovered with certain software. The official service pack release will now be delayed until Microsoft can build a filter to keep those with the problematic software from installing it, but the files are still available on Microsoft’s server, despite the lack of a proper release.

“In the last few days, we have uncovered a compatibility issue between Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) and both Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1),” said Microsoft’s Windows release manager Chris Keroack in an official forum posting.”In order to make sure customers have the best possible experience, we have decided to delay releasing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) to the web.”

While Microsoft advises those with the Microsoft Dynamics RMS not to install the update, the overwhelming majority of users without such software installed can still download the update by directly accessing the files on Microsoft’s servers. The English 32-bit version is available here.

Tej Kohli