Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zuckerberg's Facebook page hacked - Tej Kohli Report

Tej Kohli brings an interesting news from the web world. Accroding to recent new Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook fan page got hacked. Tej Kohli brings the entire report.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's fan page was hacked on Tuesday, a high profile invasion of privacy on a site that is often on the receiving end of public ire when it comes to the safety of people's private data.

The post that started as “Let the hacking begin” appeared on the Zuckerber's page right under his name. “If Facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a 'social business' the way Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus described it?” the post further said.

There were more than 1800 likes on the message before it was removed from the page. Nobody is available to comment from the Facebook

However, Zuckerberg wasn't the only high profile person to have his Facebook page hacked. A hacker posted a message on French President Nicolas Sarkozy's wall on Sunday that stated the president would not run for re-election.

Sarkozy responded with a post saying no system is infallible.

While Facebook is staying silent on the hack, the company posted a blog entry Wednesday morning titled: "A Continued Commitment to Security." It draws attention to Data Privacy Day Friday. The day is an international effort by governments and businesses to draw attention to personal-data protection issues.

Tej Kohli is a an IT expert with years of experince in the field of web and internet technology. For more recent updates on the IT/Software/Internet industry keep reading the Tej Kohli Blog.

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