Tej Kohli having strong beliefs that social community making new area for sharing love and fun . Now with the introduction of MOKO social network Tej kohli feels that everyone now have new zone for all stuffs.
That be a good news for whole Internet Community who are wishing all the facilities on mobile. It be a revolutionary step and almost whole world now praising for this new achievements. A Moko online service which is basically an invention of Loop Mobile is the world first social networking sites can be available on both Mobile and online. Few years ago Loop had launched MOKO for mobiles and had integrated across 3 Mobiles networks in Australia and UK.
On the beginning face it have live chat, Profile creation, photo sharing and video uploading capabilities. MOKO mobiles and new online section have integrated to provide more functionality to user on any platform which is not available in another community building website.
“It’s quite a big development; there aren’t social networking sites where all the functionality is available across both devices,” said Loop Mobile CEO Martin Hoffman.
“Usually, the mobile service is just an add-on to what is normally a PC-centric experience, but we’ve built everything to be equally accessible across both platforms.”
Cross platform capabilities makes its very popular as well as easy to use Hoffman wgi told to media that near about 92 percent use both online and mobile for accessing.
Although online version of this website is absolutely free for all users but mobile version paid through carriers in one flat fee that covers both the MOKO subscription and data usage. For future plan Hoffman told that user will experienced with paid online version which have new added feature like private chat , gift selection and sending . Also company looking its expansion to other countries .
“The main focus for us is to continue to grow online and work in other countries and work with other mobile phone carriers,” he said.
“We have strong bases in Australia, the US, and the UK, but now we really want to branch out to regions in southern Asia.” . Perth mobile network provider and AdultShop spin-off Loop Mobile launched its mobile social community two month earlier than its predication. The move came as the company signed a deal with US-based 3G mobile networks Helio – which recently merged with Virgin Mobile USA – enabling its users to access the MOKO network. Shares in the company were unchanged at 5¢ at 9.55am. Officials of Loop Mobile also announced launch of MOKO in USA which have own 3G Mobile network Helio, www.helio.com . In future its have own carrier network which connect United kingdom to North America,. MOKO mobli now live on the Helio mobile web “Surf & Search”. Helio is famous 3G mobile service operator in US . “This announcement reflects a strategic cultural fit for the MOKO.mobi community,” said Martin Hoffman, Loop’s CEO. That’s be great for whole world making online community and share your ideas , fun , love , chat , images , videos with other . Its be great enhancement and achievement for all online community and adventures seeker . Providing new space by mobile for making friends and community . Orkut and Facbook and many other online community are became popular now the people across that world having profile on such social community. MOKO brings new space in Mobil world and revolution.
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