Tej Kohli brings Apple users another good news. They can now have a refreshingly new experience at apple stores. Read the complete report at Tej Kohli blog
To coincide with its tenth anniversary, Apple has revamped its retail outlets around the world, introducing iPad2 next to all its products to give customers more information on the same.
These iPads are strongly fixed to the desks to prevent stealing. Encased in a clecar plactic stand, these iPads run a special application giving information about each product. However, the home button has been disabled, just in case anyone wants a quick game of Angry Birds instead.
Tej Kohli reports that these iPads which Apple is referring to as 'smart signs' have been convrted into a touchscreen manual. By hitting different tabs people can get information on specifications, price and support options. The customers can also tap a 'Specialist' tab for assistance from a live salesperson.
The new stores now include a dedicated area, similar to the company's original 'Genius Bar' which offers a personalized set up for buyers. Here buyers can have their favorite applications pre installed or set up an I tunes account among other things.
The roll out of this new design started in Australia and the Far East, followed by Europe and east coast of the USA
A new apple store is also expected to open today, which will allow customers to fully customize their purchases. It would allow users to add memory or upgrade their processor at the time of buying or ordering.
Tej Kohli IT blog is a place to find all latest news on Apple products. Tej Kohli is an IT expert with more than
Tej Kohli IT blog is a place to find all latest news on Apple products. Tej Kohli is an IT expert with more than
10 years of experience in the technology sector.
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